A Dang Good Clean by A Dang Good Team!

Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning

Holiday Organizing Tips

Last Updated: 8 April 2024

Written by Karen Norman

Holiday Organizing Advice for a Relaxing Festive Season. 

Tips that will ensure your Celebrations go off without a Hitch. 

Are you looking for some Holiday Organizing Tips? Look no further! Today Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning is going to help you get ready for the holidays. 

Inevitably cleaning may be top of mind. Please see our blog on Holiday Cleaning Preparations where we cover almost everything. In particular, we suggest making room in your Fridge, Freezer and Pantry. 

Start with a Holiday Organizing Plan. 

Having a plan can help with holiday stress and prevent you from being overwhelmed. Don’t forget, the Yuletide season creeps up fast! One moment it seems far off and the next, it is upon us. 

A schedule that is broken down into manageable tasks is your best friend when getting organized for the holidays. In fact, if you use a program like Excel or an app-based planner, you can develop a routine to use every year. Set your own deadlines and calendar different tasks. 

However, think about deadlines and constraints that might not be in your control, such as the last day for posting or sending parcels. You want things to arrive before Christmas.

Are you inviting guests to visit or stay? What plans do you need to make for that? How much time do you really have? Make
sure your Christmas planning realistically fits in with your time constraints.

Delegate rather than Fly Solo. 

One key question to ask yourself when making plans is “Who can you rope in to help with all that holiday organizing?” Does everything have to be done by you? You don’t have to do this alone. It’s a very busy season and even simple trips for Christmas shopping take longer than usual due to the snow and ice. 

So, look for ways to share the load. Give your family tasks (addressing Christmas cards, following up on invites, helping with menu planning and cooking). Rely on the other supports available (transit or delivery when it’s icy out, or the grocery deli for a quick roast chicken and salad dinner) to save yourself time.

Decorating the Home.   

Are you putting up Christmas decorations? Are you decorating inside, outside or both? When and how many? And where? Have you made space? Is this a beginning of December thing or a Christmas Eve activity for your family? 

Type of Celebration.   

Decide what type of celebration you want this year based on your energy levels, life circumstances and current restrictions. Ready for a big family gathering? Want a big bash with friends full of noise and fun? Want something quiet and reflective yet festive? Are you eating in or planning on a Christmas buffet somewhere? Maybe you want a simple Christmas. Start with the type of celebration and let your plan flow from there.

Gifting Checklist.   

Apart from family and friends, is there anyone else to include? The office gift exchange, your hairdresser, or your children’s teacher, could be on the list. Set up a wrapping station for the season.

Holiday Budget.   

What is your budget? Plan to avoid extra debt come January.

According to Ipsos, 77% of Canadian plan to modify their holiday spending due to inflation.  We get it! Is it really worth going into debt and having a massive guilt and stress load when the bills come due in January? Overspending is not the answer to finding ways to gather with family and friends this year. 

What you missed during the pandemic was the gathering, not the gifts, right? So, make a realistic budget and stick with it. Your guests will be just as happy with a three-bean side salad as they would be with a hand-crafted charcuterie board of imported meats and cheeses. 

Likewise, your child’s teacher would find a small gift card for a great coffee shop just as enticing as an angora sweater from Scotland. The phrase “it’s the thought that counts” really is true. Celebrate the return of in-person gatherings but tuck those credit cards away.

The Chrismas Menu.   

Consider what you need for Christmas Day meals, Holiday Snacks and Festive Gatherings without going overboard. 

As well as planning the big dinner, plan a few fast and easy meals so you can relax and enjoy the holidays too. If you (or someone in the family) can pre-make and freeze meals, even better. To keep on track with your health goals, ensure the house is stocked with fruit, veggies and dip and yogurt instead of chips and soda. Don’t forget to accommodate dietary restrictions. 

Is anyone on the guest list vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free? A teetotaller? If you don’t have experience with restricted cooking, it’s perfectly fine to ask the guest to bring their main dish while you prepare some side dishes anyone can eat.

Engaging Activities.   

In addition to helping out with the holiday organizing, adults and children should have a range of activities, and they don’t need to be expensive. Have some board games and puzzles on hand, arrange one night to be a fun movie-at-home experience, grab the spare blankets and pillows so the kids can make a fort, hold a gingerbread decorating contest, play musical chairs – plan ahead so everyone is not just sitting around playing on their phones.

Driving Schedule.   

Do you have family flying in? Who is picking them up, and when? Who wants to drink? Who wants to be the designated sober driver? Are you prepared for the unexpected? Such as changes in the weather or road closures.

Post-Holiday Organizing.   

Have a spot ready for returns, small items like jewelry and gift cards, and extra bags for recycling and packaging. Have some paper or recyclable plates so you can cut down on dish duty while still tired from Christmas day. Remember, a solitary walk or some quiet time in the car is okay if you find a full house overwhelming.

Save boxes and containers over Christmas for packing away the Christmas decorations and when putting things away make sure they are labelled.

A Dang Good Yuletide.   

With some planning and foresight, this can be your most organized holiday season yet. Remember to delegate, budget, and plan – these are key to avoiding holiday burnout, debt or becoming overwhelmed.

When all is said and done, call in Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning to help get the home back in tip-top shape for the New Year.

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Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning
1935 30 Avenue NE, Unit 2, Calgary, AB. T2E 6Z5

Mon to Fri – 8 am to 6 pm
Saturday –   8 am to 4 pm
Sunday – Closed
Statutory Holidays – Closed

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