A Dang Good Clean by A Dang Good Team!

Dang Good Carpet and Furnace Cleaning

Closet Organization Hacks and Cleanout

Last Updated: 9 April 2024

Written by Karen Norman

Closet Organization and Cleaning Hacks. 

Closet Cleanout Tips that save you Time and Sanity! 

Your bedroom closet has the power to keep your room organized and tidy – yet this humble space is often a source of incredible frustration. Why? It’s the out-of-sight-out-of-mind nature of the closet. It’s just too easy to shove items in there, shut the door, and walk away! Well, no more. Today you can reclaim this space with our handy closet organization hacks.

Don’t get overwhelmed. When you break down closet organization into steps, it’s an easy (and even fun) process. When you have finished, and everything has a place, it’s much easier to keep it tidy – and when your closet is doing its job, the rest of your room is tidier too. A neat and tidy room means a much more restful night’s sleep. There are many benefits to a clean and organized closet, so let’s dive right in and get started.

Closet Organization – A Clear Out is the First Step. 

Make some room in your bedroom or adjacent hall/next room because you will start by clearing out the space. This way, you can lay everything out and see what to keep, discard or donate. It also allows you to analyze the empty space and decide if you need more shelves, storage boxes, or hanging rods.

As you clear out the closet, put “like with like." Sweaters in one pile, jeans in another, dresses in another, etc. These piles will be helpful later when sorting through your clothes. Consider safety first. Don’t pile up your clothes in front of an exit point.

Reader’s Digest has a great article and Decision Guide Infographic to help you decide what to keep or relinquish. 

Cleaning the Closet Space is next. 

Before you analyze the space, you should give your closet a thorough clean. Vacuum out those corners, wipe down the shelves and hanger rods, and dust the baseboards. Warm water with some lemon and vinegar is a good solution as it cleans and deodorizes all in one.

Sort Out the Closet Contents

Now it’s time to address the piles of clothing and accessories. Set up a bin for laundry. Next, make a pile to keep, discard, or donate. Hey, this is the hard part! We know some of those items are sentimental. Maybe you will never wear your graduation dress again, but it’s nice to hang onto it. Don’t feel like you must discard every item that holds meaning but do be ruthless to a point.

General items that have not been worn for a year should be released. Anything ripped, stained, or beyond repair should be discarded. Things that don’t fit can go too. It can be frustrating if you have gone up or down in size, so keep this mantra in mind as you try things on, “size doesn’t matter; go with fit and flatter." Keep what fits well, flatters your body, and makes you feel good.

Organize and Coordinate your Wardrobe

Now that you have your various piles: donating, discarding, or washing, it is time to go through the “keep pile." How do you want your closet organized? By colour? By item (skirts, tops, office wear, casual, etc.)? Seasonally? Decide what will be the most efficient way for your daily needs. Then group the clothing accordingly.

Assess your Closet Space

You can decide on custom closet organizers or just head to the store for a tension rod and storage cubes. There is a solution for any budget. Small baskets on a shelf can organize your jewelry, flat bins can store sweaters out of season, hooks on the wall or behind the closet door can hold your hoodies, and a ring hanger can be used for scarves and belts. Not sure what to choose? Browse your local home goods store and see what they offer. You’ll quickly identify if you need any of those products or if your pared-down pile will fit back into your closet as-is.

House Beautiful has a neat video on making the most of a small closet.

Restock the Closet

Once your Closet Organization and Cleaning task has taken place, it’s time to move things back in.

Personalize your Closet!

Your closet does not have to be boring. Let it reflect your style and be a positive space to start and end your day. You are much more likely to keep it clean and tidy when it is a space you enjoy. Get fancy with a small chandelier to add a touch of elegance. Customize a vinyl sticker (sites like Etsy have plenty of options for you to design your own vinyl wall art). Paint the walls (a step you would do before moving things back in of course). Dedicate a shelf to your mementos like your childhood teddy bear or music box. Have some fun making the space your own.

A clean and tidy closet can set the mood for the day when you open up the doors to find an efficient space personalized just for you.

Explore other Cleaning and Organization Hacks

We hope these closet organization hacks have you ready to give your closet the makeover it deserves. For more information about how we can help you feel “dang good" about your home, check out our other Home and Cleaning Hacks. In particular, you might like our Bedroom Cleaning Hacksor perhaps it’s time for a Carpet Cleaning?

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