World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day – Awareness of Sleep Health
The Cleaning Effect of a Dang Good Sleep.
When is World Sleep Day?
The 2025 World Sleep Day was on Friday, March 14, 2025.
World Sleep Day is an annual celebration of sleep held in March every year. It falls on the Friday before the Spring (or Vernal) Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere (such as Canada), the Vernal Equinox refers to the Spring Equinox, whereas in the Southern Hemisphere (i.e., Australia), it is referred to as the Fall Equinox. This Vernal Equinox is a moment in time when the length of day and night are equal, and it signifies the start of Spring.
Below is a list of other years.
- 2026 – Friday, March 13, 2026
- 2027 – Friday, March 12, 2027
- 2028 – Friday, March 17, 2028
- 2029 – Friday, March 16, 2029
What is World Sleep Day?
World Sleep Day, as the name suggests is a global initiative on sleep education. The purpose of World Sleep Day is to encourage better sleep and promote habits to manage sleep problems. It highlights the benefits of sleep and the health problems associated with a lack of it.
Coincidentally, it falls in the same month as Daylight Saving Time when some suffer disturbed sleep and many believe that is caused by a misalignment of circadian rhythms.
The History of World Sleep Day?
World Sleep Day was created in 2008 and is hosted by the World Sleep Society and organized by their World Sleep Day Committee.
Each year World Sleep Day has a catchphrase or focus. For example, the slogan in 2022 was Quality Sleep | Sound Mind | Happy World. One of our favourites was in 2015 when they had the phrase: When Sleep is Sound, Health and Happiness Abound.
2023 World Sleep Day Slogan.
On March 17th, 2023, the World Sleep Day Slogan was: “Sleep is Essential for Health“. Sleep is considered one of three main pillars of health with the other two being nutrition and physical health. Healthy Sleep consists of three elements. As expected, duration is the first element. Length of sleep is important but continuity and depth of sleep are significant too. Sleep should not be fragmented and sleeping deeply is essential too.
2024 World Sleep Day Slogan.
On March 15th, 2024, the World Sleep Day Slogan was: “Sleep Equity for Global Health." The emphasis being on inequalities of sleep health around the world and the consequences of insufficient quality sleep.
2025 World Sleep Day Slogan.
On March 14th, 2025, the World Sleep Day Slogan is: “Make Sleep Health a Priority“. This year World Sleep Day created an Official Playlist of soothing music.
Art Craft and Health created a fun video illustrating World Sleep Day 2024.
Honouring World Sleep Day.
World Sleep Day is not a day set aside for sleeping (even though, for some, that might be appealing); instead, it is more about doing things that will bring awareness to the importance and significance of sleep and highlight some resources available to those suffering from sleep disorders.
Below are some fun ways to Celebrate World Sleep Day.
- Make Sleep a Priority – Realizing and acknowledging that sleep is important is a necessary first step.
- Take a 15–20-minute Power Nap – A power nap is not for everyone, but for some, if you get the opportunity, it may help you recharge. However, there are specific guidelines for making your power nap successful so that it helps rather than impedes regular sleep.
- Commit to Sleep Hygiene – The Sleep Foundation suggests creating an environment and habits that put you in a better position for a good night’s sleep. They suggest:
- Create specific Schedules and Routines so that your body knows when it is time for sleep.
- Creating a specific bedtime routine.
- Ensuring your bedroom is enhanced for a good night’s sleep.
- Creating a lifestyle that promotes healthy sleep.
- Create a Sleep Ritual – This is a specific process that (when made a habit), prepares the body and mind for sleep. This could be setting aside a set time each night to sit in bed with a milky drink and journal to reflect on the day or making a list of tomorrow’s priorities so that you can set them aside before going off to sleep. Some people prefer to meditate or perhaps listen to soothing music.
- Arrange to talk to a Sleep Specialist – If you are having problems sleeping, please talk first to your doctor who will likely refer you to a sleep consultant.
- Share a Post on Social Media – Let everyone know it is World Sleep Day and share links on Social Media using the hashtag: #WorldSleepDay.
- Post the Official Press Release – Every year; there is a World Sleep Day Press Release. The World Sleep Day organization encourages the distribution of the release.
- Become a Delegate and Organize a Sleep Awareness Event – Organizing a Sleep Awareness Activity could be a fun way to team build.
- Become a Member of the World Sleep Society – World Sleep Society Membership runs for one calendar year and gives access to various sleep magazines, journals, and virtual meetings.
- Subscribe to Healthier Sleep – The online Healthier Sleep Magazine is a publication by the World Sleep Society with a focus on expert advice for healthier sleep.
- Get a Sleep App – Yes, there are various sleep support apps that do everything from tracking sleep to offering light and sounds to assist with Sleep. You will have to weigh this option against removing all electronic gadgets from the bedroom which many also suggest being helpful.
- Buy a New Mattress – How long have you had your mattress? The Sleep Foundation recommends a replacement every 6 to 8 years.
- Get your Mattress Cleaned – Perhaps you have had a few mishaps on that mattress. Why not get a mattress cleaning? Or, if pennies are tight, check out our Mattress Cleaning Hacks Blog.
- Consider Corporate Sponsorship – If you are a business, then the World Sleep Society has sponsorship levels from Bronze to Diamond. As of March 2021, you could sponsor World Sleep Day from anywhere in the range from $1000 USD to $20,000 USD.
- You can find some more suggestions on The Best Calgary on their blog: Tips for Getting Better Sleep.
What is so important about Sleep?
In our opinion the benefits of Sleep cannot be overstated. That said we do not profess to be experts on sleep. We rely on information such as that received through our membership of the World Sleep Society. World Sleep Day helps draw attention to the benefits that a good night’s sleep can help with. Consequently, sleep may help with…
- Stress Management
- Improved Memory
- Better Quality of Life
- More Creativity
- Healthy Weight Control
- Concentration
- Productivity
- Stronger Immune System
- Control of Inflammation
- Brain Health
- Regeneration of Cells
- Good Energy Levels
Caveat regarding Sleep Issues.
We must stress that this blog helps bring sleep issues to your attention by highlighting World Sleep Day. However, it does not claim to be an authority on sleep.
We strongly advise you to get qualified help if you have sleep problems. The suggestions in this blog are very generalized and intended to be innocuous. The tips may help, but they are not an attempt to replace professional medical advice, which we recommend you seek out first if you are having problems.
Insomnia – according to the Calgary Herald, as of January 2022, insomnia was on the rise but they have some suggestions on changes you can make to help you sleep.
Cleaning House for Better Sleep
What has World Sleep Day got to do with cleaning you may wonder? did a study of about a 1000 participants and found that cleaning and decluttering had a positive correlation with quality sleep. In particular, listed a clean bedroom as one of the factors contributing to a good night’s sleep.
Call us if you are local to Calgary and need help cleaning carpets. We can also help with cleaning mattresses and cleaning upholstery in your bedroom too. All of which will help with better ambiance to promote sleep.
Or if you are short on pennies check out these three cleaning hack blogs instead:
Here’s wishing you a regular Dang Good Sleep!
#WorldSleepDay #SleepDay #Sleeping